Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
What is it?
Artificial intelligence makes production more efficient, flexible and reliable. AI is a technology which handles masses of big data. It can handle tons of data at once but also needs tons of data to be trained, this means it is very useful for IoT.
Machine learning is an application of AI technology that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being manually programmed.
A Digital Companion is a computer system which is designed to help humans do efficient work with minimal errors.
How does it work?
AI correctly interprets external data. An example of this is knowing the difference between a person and a shadow, it then learns from that data that it can run over shadows but not a person. From this, AI uses it’s knowledge to achieve specific goals and tasks such as steering a vehicle.
With many interactions, AI figures out by itself how to solve problems which occur meaning it is constantly learning and improving.
AST are experts in understanding AI and Machine Learning technology. For more information on our products, contact our team today.